Bump in the Ether
i. being logged
ii. being changed
iii. being inserted
i. APIs: pretty easy to hook input with windows or X
ii. UI: hard to create a trusted location on screen without subversion
1. e.g. draw app. UI convincingly
a. E.g. web sites make frame with no status bar / title bar / buttons and draw in everything
2. draw whole screen convincingly
3. Users dramatically bad at noticing things (even if it was available)
a. E.g. how many people have typed password into wrong window because they werenŐt looking?
b. E.g. NSA has 2 computers > arms reach apart to prevent accidents
i. Remove user input from computer to a trusted device (e.g. cell phone)
1. Users can trust phone to do the right thing – get key strokes from mechanical form to electronic signals
ii. Problem becomes: how do you:
1. Get input to application
2. Verify that it is the right application
3. Verify that nobody is subverting the application
i. A: when you walk up to a computer, you canŐt tell what OS it is running
i. 2 modes: authentication and security
1. Authentication: can verify what is running external to the computer
2. Security: can ensure only trusted code runs with a white list
i. Each chip has a unique public/private key pair
ii. Chip will sign tings with its private key
iii. Chip will give out its public key
i. Each chip has a set of PCRs: platform configuration registers
1. Initialized to zero
2. Computed by hashing in hardware contents with a new buffer
3. HW does hashing, SW chooses what to hash
ii. Software chooses what to measure
1. e.g. bios, boot loader, os, kernel modules
2. Software records individual measurements, hardware records cumulative measurements
iii. Generate a PCR quote: list of PCR values signed by chips private key
iv. Key idea: induction
1. HW computes hash of initial SW
2. Each piece of SW computes hash of the piece it loads
i. Place to store keys for authentication
ii. Effectively encrypted with a PCR quote: signed list of PCR values
1. Ensures that can only be decrypted if same set of hashes can be regenerated.
2. E.g. an app can save things, only the same app (with SW support) can get them out. Without app. bits, canŐt get to them
i. Remote attestation
1. Set up a channel using HW attestation key
2. Communicate PCR quotes + measurement hashes to other side
3. Other side (1) verifies hashes are correct / expected values and (2) PCR quote contains only hashed values
4. Other side can verify, decide whether to trust
1. Software changes; hard to store hashes for every possible piece of software, including all versions
iii. NOTE:
1. CanŐt do local; can lie to someone local (e.g. manipulate the data they see, result of comparison instructions)
i. What does all this provide?
1. Validation of bits set executing
ii. What does it not provide?
1. Assurance an app has not been compromised
a. e.g. buffer overflow
i. Encrypt data from mobile device into application
ii. Keystroke loggers at system call level (e.g. see messages to app) canŐt decrypt
i. Can verify (and then trust) kernel and all low-level SW + system services
ii. Can have a stable trusted platform to do setup without attacks
i. HW setup
1. Attack keyboard to mobile phone
2. App contacts mobile phone to do input
3. Mobile phone verifies:
a. kernel + system services
b. application hash (as compute by BitE kernel module)
4. Create secure tunnel for phone input
i. Set up: how establish data for trust?
1. Set up channel between device / computer (device association)
a. Record hashes for all system services + kernel on device
b. Exchange certificates (using standard protocol e.g. SSL) for later mutual authentication
2. Set up application
a. Load once, measure it (all binaries, sensitive inputs such as config), create a key and store it in sealed storage (or elsewhere with key protected by sealed storage)
i. Ensures that a modified App. canŐt get access to the key
b. Send key / measurement to mobile device
ii. UI: how make sure users donŐt screw it up?
1. A: donŐt allow any security-relevant choices without ŇseeingÓ the data
a. e.g. to select which app to communication, user must select from a list (not prompted by application)
b. e.g. no multitasking